Tinker Labs

Become a franchise partner

and open your own Tinker Labs center!

Tinker Labs isn't just for kids!

Send us a message for more info!

About us!

Tinker Labs offers a unique STEAM approach that includes science, technology, engineering, art and math. Our goal is to make sure that every child has a better future!

If you also want to be a part of this story and think that Tinker Labs is something everyone needs in your area. Contact us! .

"Tinker Labs is not just a company, it is more than that! Through our innovative STEAM education, children not only learn, but also develop creativity, logical thinking and a passion for knowledge. As a founder of Tinker Labs I recognized a great need for approach in our education system, and Tinker Labs provides incredible support to franchisors, enabling them to be leaders in expanding this important mission. Partnering with Tinker Labs is not just a business opportunity, but an opportunity to shape the future of our children through STEAM education." – Alan Mate Orlic

A legjobb befektetés a tanulás

A Tinker Labs franchise jogának megvásárlása előtt is érdekelt üzleti szinten a gyermekek oktatása. 10 éve alapítottam a magán óvodámat, 6 éve pedig a Kis Zseni iskola hálózatot hoztam létre, melyek közül több iskolát én alapítottam és menedzselek a mai napig. Sok programot láttam már, de a Tinker Labs kiemelkedő, hiszen a gyerkőcök nagyon sokat tudnak tanulni, és óriási tapasztalatot szerezni a tudomány minden részéből.

What we offer?

6 benefits to help you succeed as a Tinker Labs franchise partner

    We are at your disposal for all questions and problems, whether it is about starting a business or hiring teachers.
    Access to all available marketing materials, including digital and print.
    A learning opportunity for both franchise partners and teachers. Experience firsthand how to manage a Tinker Labs center, what makes our program unique.
    We help you choose the right location for your school and give you advice on design.
    Access to all downloadable materials (pedagogical, marketing and administrative tasks) through a secure central information management system.
    Easy access to all of our books, didactic materials, including take-home projects and in-class supplies, and all the other tools and materials you'll need to set up your learning center.

Franchise model

  • Location exclusivity
  • Positive monthly revenue
  • Franchise royalties
  • Marketing and brand fond

Contact us!


How do I become a franchisee?

Fill out the form below with your information and wait for our confirmation e-mail.

What is the franchise system?

Franchise business is a way to apply a proven, more successful business model in one's own business and thereby reduce the possibility of failure. Franchising offers freedom in managing your own company, but at the same time gives rules and obligations.

What kind of support do you offer for first-time business owners?

The basic obligation of the franchisor is not only to provide you with a license (rights) and enable the legality of business under their brand, but also to carry out a constant transfer of knowledge about business management for the duration of the contract.

Where is the Tinker Labs franchise available?

We are looking for franchise partners in Canada, Austria, Germany and Poland. We currently have more than 120 locations in Europe, accross 7 countries. If your country is not on the list. Don't worry, feel free to contact us! 

What if there is already a franchise center in my area?

Although we maybe have a franchise center in your area, feel free to contact us so we can find the best solution for you!

Become Tinker Labs franchisee!