How about a Tinker Labs summer camp? See you there!
An opportunity for an unforgettable experience for all children during the school holidays!
Tinker camp themes
Chemical reactions
Engineering challenges
Science through art
The world of physics and different forces
STEAM challenges
The world around us
Do it yourself
Fun math
Biology and nature
Confidence and motivation!
My daughter has become more confident and she is asking more and more questions at home about different topics such as space, stars, physical forces, nature or math, all while doing our daily tasks - walking in the park or shopping. I am happy and proud that Tinker Labs camp exists because it is an experience I would recommend to all parents and children!
Szia apa,
mérnök akarok lenni
A fiam kiszaladt az osztályteremből egy Tinker Labs óra után és nagyon izgatott volt, hogy megmutathassa nekem a tornyot, amit ő épített. Aztán elmondta, hogy most már biztosan tudja, hogy mi akar lenni, ha felnő.